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"Russische Partisanen?" — the German Boeing that crashed in Lithuania was carrying military cargo

The same box. Illustration: delfi.lt

The German Boeing, which crashed the day before in Lithuania, was carrying military cargo. In German-language social networks they write about "russishe partizanen".

Internet users drew attention to photographs from the crash site of the Boeing in the suburbs of Vilnius. One of the photos shows a box with the inscription in English: Vertx. The American company "Vertks" is a manufacturer of military ammunition, the so—called. "tactical equipment". The company logo (below) speaks for itself.

Screenshot: vertx.com

The company's website says that Vertx, known since 1842, produces "magnificent uniforms for the American military and public safety specialists." How many such "specialists" are in the Eastern Europe and the Ukraine, it remains only to guess.

Earlier, EADaily reported that the German media, in the "hot pursuit", had already built a version that Russia could be behind the plane crash.

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