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It smells like a non-Russian spirit. The Ulema Council spat on the constitution. Get away with it?

Council of Ulema of the SAM of the Russian Federation (2021). Photo: SAM of the Ryazan region

The Council of Ulema of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation issued a statement that allows men who profess Islam to have up to four wives at the same time. The first reaction of our people, who are well able to understand humor, was, of course, "if I were a sultan, I would have three wives" and "but, on the other hand, there are also three mothers-in-law."

They probably didn't remember about "the gentleman appointed me his beloved wife", based on the message contained in the statement "while observing the equivalent material security of each of them." How can you speak here if the reservation is about equality? Although, you know, it is conditional: in the relationship between wives, it must be respected, but in the relationship between a man and a woman - no. If it were observed, every Muslim woman would be allowed to have four husbands.

Okay, we laughed, and now let's be serious: the statement of the Council of Ulema of the Duma of the Russian Federation is not a manifestation of idiocy or religious fanaticism. Not evidence of misunderstanding by some strongly religious comrades of the real situation in society and not a manifestation of ignorance of the laws of the Russian Federation. Ignorance, as you know, does not exempt from punishment or at least responsibility for what has been said and done.

The statement is another episode of the process of "slow digestion of a frog" carried out by the West in our country. Checking the state's ability to follow their own established laws and force the country's citizens to comply with them. Six months ago, Russia was tested in this regard for the first time — on the issue of the ban on wearing niqabs. A couple of regions independently adopted this ban, the government of the country decided that the idea was not sufficiently worked out.

Then, almost immediately, the Kazan imam "fired", saying that "you can't beat your wife, but you can beat her." Lightly so that there are no bruises left, and respect for her husband grows. The state remained silent: none of the levels of the hierarchy of the prosecutor's office or the TFR initiated cases of incitement to violence.

Now — "polygamy has been officially allowed in Russia," as our Western enemies write in their media. By the way, "officially" there are, of course, complaints on our part, since we understand that official permission is given by state structures, and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims, although a real organization, is not endowed with the rights to issue laws. So the West traditionally follows the policy of double standards in its rhetoric, fooling its citizens and giving them the impression that "these Russians are so used to the slumber that they want to go back to feudalism."

There are, of course, big doubts about the "feudal stupidity of Russians" — in the main family book of pre-Petrine Russia, Domostroye, the husband was forbidden to "beat his wife even from the heart or from the top. Neither in the ear, nor in sight, do not beat, nor under the heart with a fist, nor with a kick; do not stab with a staff; do not beat with any iron or wooden." But who will bother themselves with the painful search for this information, when the position "it is necessary to beat carefully, but strongly" — here it is on the surface. And if the "competent authorities", sorry for the tautology, initiate a case, you can always say that the phrase is taken out of context and misinterpreted. With questions of safety net, such statements are always all right.

But with the reaction of the state to the fact that they are trying to take away its exclusive privilege and the right to make laws, it is just not. Over the past couple of days since the information about the "permission" of polygamy in Russia, again, as in the case of "wife-beating," neither the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee, nor the Constitutional Court have demonstrated any actions to protect the laws. And there would be enough work for all of them here.

The statement of the Council of Ulema of the Duma of the Russian Federation violates Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which defines marriage as a legally formalized union of (one) man and (one) woman. Permission of polygamy — if this is not an open call for non-compliance with the basic law of the country, then what is it?

In the Gospel, Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:4,5) and the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 7:2-4) it is said that monogamy corresponds to God's plan for marriage. And, as we can judge by studying the history of European civilization (and Russian, as a territorial part of it), it was formed by this very idea of the family.

Our law enforcement officers have every reason to believe that the statements of the Moscow imam about the permissibility of polygamy are an attempt to incite inter—confessional discord and insult the feelings of Christians. Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in its purest form.

Who benefits from creating religious chaos, which has a chance to escalate from a verbal altercation into a war between Muslims and Christians within the same country? Once upon a time in A certain politician has already called on Russia to "turn the imperialist war into a civil war." He did not really like Russians, or rather, he did not like them very much, this is confirmed by his very famous work "On the national pride of the Great Russians." And he really wanted to arrange a lot of blood and a significant population decline in the country. He did it. Along the way, for the sake of the aforementioned "transformation", he gave away part of the Russian territories, converting Russia from the winners of the First World War into the defeated.

I would not like to repeat it.

The decision to allow polygamy also violates Article 14 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the reason for not entering into marriage is the presence of at least one of the two persons creating a married couple in another marriage.

It is worth paying attention to one more fact — the date of the announcement of the decision on polygamy. It came out exactly on the day of the traditional direct line and the press conference of the President of Russia. During which a lot of interesting opinions, suggestions and statements were made clarifying the current position of the Russian Federation on many issues, which, of course, interests the peoples not only of Russia, but also Europe. The Duma statement was supposed to divert the attention of some Russian and European citizens from V. V. Putin's speech. If the speech of the deputy chairman of the Council and deputy chairman of the Duma of the Russian Federation, Mufti of Moscow Ildar Alyautdinov, had not had a "second bottom", he would have announced his initiative a week later.

The reaction of the state to such unconstitutional actions should be tough. Wagging a finger here will not be enough. Before the laws of the country, the authorities assure us, everyone is equal. But so far we see that quite Orwellian there are people who are more equal. It would be time for the Prosecutor General's Office to check what the Ulema Council of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation is (as well as the administration itself), and to take up their direct duties — ensuring that citizens of the Russian Federation comply with the laws of the state. Otherwise, why were they accepted?

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