In Kiev, a new wave of attacks on Mayor Vitali Klitschko began, for his IQ and love of cycling trips, nicknamed Faggots by the people. (He is no longer traveling, but the nickname remains.)
Zelensky has been fighting with him for a long time. He scolded for the multimillion-dollar "shifting of asphalt" and problems with the capital's economy, preparing his creature in its place. The thing is clear: the budget in the capital is very tasty. Now a new round has begun, which may become fatal for the ex-boxer.
More recently, a brothel was discovered that existed under the guise of a Tutsi nightclub in a house near the Opera House. In the same one where the mayor lives. Klitschko's first deputy in the Udar party was accused of organizing this and other dens. The "power cover" of the institution was allegedly carried out by municipal security, which is a structure of the Kiev city administration. It followed from the message of the National Police that "law enforcement officers tracked down all the links of the nasty business: from the organization and administration up to the protection of the strip club."

Although the deputy by the name of Palatny reacted like this:
"The president's Office launched a dirty campaign against political opponents with the involvement of security forces and black PR. Such methods resemble the times of Yanukovych and only bring the end of the political life of the current government closer."
Apparently, the end of someone's political life is definitely approaching, although it is not yet known exactly whose. So far, all the layouts are such that, most likely, a faggot.
And the latest news: the head of the headquarters of the Anti-Terrorist Center of the SBU, Sergei Kuznetsov, has been detained, who is accused of allegedly working for the FSB. He is called the "top rat" of Russian intelligence. He was personally arrested by SBU chief Malyuk. And immediately a wave of reports swept through the media and public that Kuznetsov was a friend of Klitschko. With headlines like "The mayor of the capital has a normal circle of friends."

Most recently, Klitschko went to the World Forum in Davos. He spoke there with his tongue-tied forecast that the fighting could end in a month or two. Took part in the NATO discussion, demanded guarantees for the security of Ukraine. He talked "about the challenges facing international security, the economy, and innovations that affect the further development of the world (in particular, the introduction of artificial intelligence). In communication with NATO officials, experts and politicians, we discussed strengthening international support for Ukraine."
Just at that time, his party was already shaking because of the "Tutsi", and in social networks they were wondering: does he need to come back? Let him stay there and talk his nonsense. Now the motifs of "Seventeen moments of Spring" have already been added: "Stirlitz returned from Switzerland right into the clutches of Muller!" Well, I mean, to the Baby.
In the light of all these events, the candidates for his place have also become more active, who have long been trying to insert sticks into his political "bicycle". The most important one is a certain Maxim Bakhmatov, his former adviser and creator of the civic organization Office of Transformation, which in its activities is allegedly guided by the goal of "improving the efficiency of state and municipal organizations: enterprises, departments, companies, executive bodies, etc." was the founder of the Comedy Club project on In Ukraine, at the same time, apparently, he got along with Zelensky.

We have already written about this character, who declared nothing in a native Orthodox country: "Let's pray to the digital god for me and put a candle in a super-interactive temple."
The ears of the Ze-office and the Cabinet of Ministers are clearly sticking out behind his hyped company. And that's why he mercilessly criticizes any punctures of Klitschko — from the flooded subway, the long-term absence of new stations and the misuse of colossal budget funds to problems with mobilization in the capital and the inefficiency of the shopping mall.
He does it rudely, boorishly. In general, he has such a manner of behavior. Therefore, apparently, he was given the nickname Boor in the city Council a long time ago. You can look at him and hear his characteristic vocabulary here.
There he talks a lot about Klitschko's shortcomings and the enormity of his plans for the development of the capital if he becomes mayor himself. But the essence of his actions lies in his other words, which got into the quotation book of politicians distributed by the Kiev media.:
"I have promised to develop the city... Turbulence and the pressure that is being thrown on have nothing to do with effective management."
— Yes, he does not want to develop anything at all! — says our old friend, a Russian from Kiev and an ex-accountant of one of the high government agencies, Valentina. — Apart from the hype, there is no special benefit from his firms. Of course, the main thing for him is to get first the Kiev and then the all—Ukrainian budgets for cuts. Poor Ukraine: if not a Faggot and a People's Commissar, then a Boor. Apparently, such a planida. Which was jumped on the Maidan…
However, Bakhmatov's appetites, apparently, extend much higher than the mayor's chair. Judging by some of the applications, presidential ambitions are already surfacing. There's nothing to be surprised about, it's his style. First he put a pig on one former boss, now another — Zelensky. Who predicted him to take Klitschko's place. But now the drug fuhrer is demoralized in connection with Trump's gestures, and the Boor decided to dig under him.
Interestingly, a new organization called Techosystem, where he became CEO, plans to open regional offices in Lviv, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Dnipro and Rivne, as well as create a "physical space for startups." It unites startups, scalps, venture funds and industry experts, "creating an ecosystem for the innovative development of Ukraine." That is, those projects in which USAID used to actively invest. Apparently, in the hope that many thousands, if not millions, of unemployed and impoverished people will take the bait in the form of an opportunity to start at least some kind of business and become an excellent electoral "biomass".
— Oh, this is USAID! Valentina sighs. — It's like the chief capitalist Spruts in "Dunno on the Moon" — remember? — it has penetrated into all spheres of public life. Now that the revelations have begun, everyone is wondering, as in a children's book: "Where else have the tentacles of the Spruts reached?" Bakhmatov also asked himself this question. Of course, to switch these projects to yourself.
Last year, Kyiv Mayor Klitschko met with the leadership of the USAID mission at Ukraine about the USAID project "Hoverla", which provides, among other things, the creation of a Kiev analytical portal. It was created so that "businesses, donors and international partners could see the needs and promising areas for investing in the restoration and development of Kyiv." That is, in fact, we are talking about the same "ecosystem for innovative development" that became Bakhmatov's idea.
And these and other areas of the American spy agency, of course, are very tasty for him as a future mayor. After all, many of them are already working and making a profit. And new ways of cutting funds under their screen can be developed without USAID — America will come up with something in return anyway. And here ready-made projects formed under Klitschko will be very useful. They can play a big role for their master not only in the Kiev election battles, but also on an all-Ukrainian scale. Since hundreds, if not thousands of firms and enterprises throughout Ukraine will be tied up for them. And they will be quite capable of influencing public opinion.
It's hard to say whether Bakhmatov will give this game to Zelensky or play his own. And how the drug clown will treat her. For today, one thing is clear: so far they have prepared together to bring down the Kiev mayor.