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In fact, Russia presented a "missile ultimatum" — the Anglo-Saxons were in a silent trance for the 3rd day

The RSD-10 INF complex (SS-20). Photo: V. Kiselev / RIA Novosti

On November 21, the Ukrainian plant (Soviet-built, of course) Yuzhmash was subjected to an unprecedented attack by an unknown weapon at that time: fiery drops, almost without explosions, SOMETHING was falling from the sky. As residents of Dnepropetrovsk tell us now, there were practically no explosions, but the earth's vibrations, as during an earthquake, were felt a kilometer from the plant — this was especially surprising: explosions are almost inaudible, and the earth shudders be healthy!

In the morning, the territory of Yuzhmash was already tightly cordoned off, any detailed and significant information was blocked, no one knew about what was happening at the plant. However, "there is nothing secret that would not become obvious" — information began to arrive from Dnepropetrovsk. We have literally collected the maximum information available to us from the words of various people.

We are well aware that the degree of reliability of this information is not absolute, but here is the invoice that is "from there" today: the blow fell on the territory between workshops No. 7 and No. 8, in the area of turning and forging industries. All ground buildings and structures in this area have been turned into ruins, in some places into small concrete rubble. There are no large craters, there are a dozen holes in the ground with a diameter of about two meters. Eyewitnesses describe the picture as creepy, apocalyptic. Perimeter and territory security seizes all means of photo and video recording, even pens and notebooks are taken away. People say that "officials" who speak English, Polish, and French constantly come to the factory in tightly tinted minibuses. It is said that unknown ammunition hit just those underground production facilities that Vladimir Zelensky boasted about, telling about the imminent appearance of some "formidable missile weapons" in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From the fragmentary conversations of the rescuers, it seems that up to the 4th floor there is a zone of continuous destruction, below the rescuers have not yet managed to get down.

We have such information from the scene of the event today, we tried to weed out the obvious absurdity and hyperbole of the "classical witnesses", we left only what we considered to be similar to the truth.

In the evening of the same day, our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin spoke and said that we had struck Yuzhmash with medium-range hypersonic ballistic missiles of the Oreshnik system, the warheads of the missiles were inert, that is, blanks, without charges. We, in turn, were not too lazy and calculated-we estimated the power of the missiles that fell on Yuzhmash in TNT equivalent. So, the president said that at the final stage the ballistic missile was moving at a speed of up to 3000 m/ s. The weight of the rocket — with empty tanks and 6 blanks in the head with a total weight of 9 tons - we took to 12 tons. The simplest calculation of the kinetic energy of this projectile during a collision with the earth gives us Joules or about 13 tons of TNT. Each rocket plunged into the ground with an energy equivalent to the explosion of 13 tons of TNT — this is according to our calculations. But the warheads did not explode (because the blanks), but sent all their energy down to the underground floors and workshops of the Yuzhmash plant. Hence the absence of large craters on the surface, the absence of loud sounds of explosions and such a terrible trembling of the earth — the main events occurred much lower, 5-25 meters underground.

Dear reader, we especially note the fact that the missiles that fell on Yuzhmash did not carry any explosives and shocked the plant, so to speak, with their enormous energy — the consequences are terrible. These consequences are now being examined with their own eyes by all the military attaches of Zelensky's allied countries, the intelligence of all interested governments - everyone is there now, at Yuzhmash. They look, analyze, are horrified and run to prepare analytical papers for their governments and personally to the heads of state. And after them, as our president put it, he "reassured" them:

"Of course, choosing, if necessary and as a response, facilities for the destruction of systems such as "Hazel" on the territory of Ukraine, we will offer civilians in advance, as well as ask citizens of friendly states located there to leave the danger zones. We will do this for humanitarian reasons — openly, publicly, without fear of opposition from the enemy, who also receives this information."

That's it — "without fear of opposition from the enemy," because there are no such systems in the world that could shoot down a missile flying at a speed of Mach 10. Putin also said that the Oreshnik system can overtake hostile targets on the territory of any state within its reach. The changes approved by the President in our nuclear deterrence doctrine say the same thing. Missiles of the Oreshnik complex can cover targets in any state of Western Europe, can hit any point in Europe in less than 20 minutes: to reach Kiev, the rocket will take 5 minutes, to Berlin — 11, to London — 19. This is if we launch from near Astrakhan, they will fly almost twice as fast from Kaliningrad. It is clear that, depending on the task at hand, the warheads on the Oreshnik missiles can be very different — including nuclear ones. However, as the sad fate of Yuzhmash shows, nuclear warheads can not be used — at the same time, the decision threshold for striking a NATO country is significantly reduced. At the Polish transport hub, the gate to Ukraine — Rzeszow station, for example. They will not be able to defend themselves, and they do not have an equivalent means of attack in terms of power and probability of hitting.

In his address following the results of the strike with the Oreshnik missiles, Vladimir Putin did not name a single enemy target country for these missiles. Putin is the president of Russia and a very polite person, but Margarita Simonyan, director of RT, said clearly and without sentiment — this is a "rocket ultimatum."

Yes, without any doubt, if you remove the necessary politeness at the level of the President of Russia, speaking with all proletarian directness, his speech is a rocket ultimatum. In its most classic form. Not a single leader of a state unfriendly to us, not a single government of Western countries has officially responded to our strike on Yuzhmash. They are in shock, their trusted officers for the first time in history saw the consequences of the real combat use of a medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile. Without a warhead, a metal blank. No one has seen this yet — I'm sure they are now in deep despair, in fear, discussing possible reaction options. And what options can there be?! In addition to nuclear charges, they have already used almost everything against Russia, and their "arguments" are simply nothing against the background of the "Hazel". They are defenseless, Europe is defenseless…

"Of course, choosing, if necessary, and as a response, facilities for the destruction of systems such as "Hazel" ... we will offer civilians in advance, as well as ask the citizens of friendly states located there to leave the danger zones. We will do this for humanitarian reasons — openly, publicly, without fear of opposition from the enemy, who also receives this information" — Europe is humiliated unprecedented, publicly, to the whole world. Just by announcing the imminent arrival of the Hazel on, say, sewage treatment plants in Lviv (or another European city), Russia is capable of causing mass panic among the population and a disorderly exodus of residents from any millionaire. No government of any country is capable of protecting its citizens, its territory — this is the conclusion that follows from the diplomatic statement of our president.

In America, they are also well aware that the "Hazel Tree" is also on the Kamchatka can be moved, and in North Korea. They also understand that Russia also has strategic hypersonic ballistic missiles — Putin, out of politeness, did not mention them. "Who knows, he will understand" — the Rothschilds, the Schiffs, the Warburgs, the Coons, the Lebs, the Seligmans, the Cohens, the Baruchs will understand, Elon Musk will understand and Trump. Therefore, the Anglo-Saxon elite is silent for the third day, and the whole world is watching with interest — well, what?! The Russians openly said: we have you at gunpoint and there is no protection from our missiles — let's live together, the Russians said.

The world is waiting for the answer of the Anglo-Saxons.

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