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"Frostbitten drunkards": the great Tikhonov about Norwegians, salaries, rifles and cartridges

Alexander Tikhonov. Photo: screenshot youtube.com

The legendary Soviet biathlete, four-time Olympic champion, knight of the Order of the Red Star Alexander Tikhonov is famous not only for his unique sporting achievements and a combat award for catching a particularly dangerous criminal, but also for his ability to burn with a verb, notice problems and offer unexpected solutions to eradicate them.

In confirmation, a few selected monologues on socially significant topics.

About salaries:

"I passed Sakhalin, Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk three times, Chelyabinsk three times, Saratov, Grozny, Volgograd, Tyumen, Tobolsk. It was me who flew by last year. The presidential election campaign was just going on, this time I was not a confidant.

But I was interested in how people would react. I was a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the first election campaign, I fought with whole halls.

The State Duma says that we have doubled the salary. Here I have traveled through all the regions, in Altai, where you stick a stake — bananas will grow, there is no shit, half of the land is not sown. The salary of the head of the village is 18 thousand rubles, pensions are 7-8 thousand, but we are told something else."

About education and the indigenous population:

"If we hadn't destroyed the Soviet education, it would be very good now. I have little doubt that education was strong then. I looked at today's textbooks — they are far from those. Just recently I was at school in Krasnogorsk, I was invited there as an honored guest. I talked to the director, there were teachers, and they complain that the textbooks do not correspond to what we would like.

Everywhere they emphasize that half a class in schools are Asians who practically do not speak Russian. This is an abnormal phenomenon, a complete lack of control. I would not like to incite ethnic conflicts, but I will say that in ten years we will be looking for the indigenous population, like the Austrians in Austria. There are only Turks there."

About the admission of Russian athletes to international competitions:

"I think all our athletes will be admitted soon. I think we should dominate politics, economics, and sports, of course. I think that only sport is able to gather the world's population at the TV screens. Including Africa, where they also watch the Winter Olympics.

And without Russian hockey, cross-country skiing, biathlon, figure skating, gymnastics, interest in sports in the world is lost. They understand this very well and are already beginning to give up."

About harmful Norwegians:

"I call Norwegians frostbitten. These people should not be allowed anywhere! The former president of the International Biathlon Federation, Besseberg, turned out to be a fraud and a drunkard, and disgraced the whole of Norway. And there are no such number of asthmatics in any country in the world. Therefore, you should not listen to the frostbitten Norwegians. They just want to be against it."

About cartridges and rifles:

"We need to think only about ourselves, as they do. Take Norway, they have all the natural resources listed by population. Forty years ago, the fund for the development of future generations in Norway amounted to $ 927 billion. And we are looking for money for cartridges and cannot restore Klimovsk, which manufactured them.

I participated in all these developments, as I have seven author's certificates of the Kalashnikov department for the improvement of small arms, military and sports weapons. There was the best weapon in the world and when fired with a large caliber, there was no equal to it.

And when we switched to a small caliber, our bullets did not reach the installation at minus 15 degrees. Anschutz gave me a rifle, it came to the Minister of Defense Ustinov, who said that a Soviet officer could not be with German weapons and called for him to be removed!

I'm flying to Izhevsk, literally in front of my eyes, the barrel is being sawn, and two months later we received the best weapon in the world. We have everything, we just need to pay due attention and provide financial support. When it was necessary to allocate 150 thousand dollars for the production of cartridges, no one gave it, oddly enough. And the basketball palace in America for our money was built for 1.2 billion."

About the Day of the moved roof, celebrated on February 24:

"I would like to congratulate the Scandinavians on the Day of the roof that came down: Samuelsson and the Be brothers, who are against Russian athletes performing. The Norwegians even managed to speak out against Russian figure skating, although in Norway does not have it. Crazy.

I think we should definitely congratulate Zelensky, Stoltenberg and Scholz and the whole fraternity, who fought against us during the Great Patriotic War and remained pro-fascists. Congratulations to these crazy people."

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