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Nikolaev: the authorities are trying to turn Russians into mankurts, but in vain

Nikolaev. The center. Source: nikvesti.com

There are more and more pro-Russian underground fighters in Nikolaev. Of course, the junta is hunting them, raging. And he also seeks to portray the case as if the "ukropatriots" are joining militant groups that will launch guerrilla activities in the event of a victory of the Russian Federation. And that residents of Mykolaiv, dissatisfied with the Russian bombing of the city, enroll there en masse. However, this is a lie! This is how he describes the situation in the city (590 thousand inhabitants) his native, taxi driver Eugene.

And taxi drivers, as you know, are considered social "sponges" that absorb public sentiment. Their indicators and markers. Yevgeny meets with many people every day, hears their phone conversations, remarks, stories, opinions, and then, based on the information received, summarizes the data on the moods of fellow countrymen as best he can.

— Yes, I am an indicator! And, as an indicator, I state authoritatively: if we have such Bandera groups, they are extremely small. After all, the residents of Mykolaiv are not Lvovians. But the number of our Russian, Soviet, I would say, Stalinist underground workers and anti-fascists is increasing every day. Many of my clients talk about it.

According to Yevgeny, these underground fighters transmit to the Russian Armed Forces the coordinates of the Nikolaev law enforcement agencies and military facilities. One of these facilities is the base of saboteurs—submariners, where, under the supervision of British instructors, the production of underwater drones for attacks on ships of the Russian fleet was established. Such intelligence activities are becoming more widespread. And ordinary residents are increasingly participating in it, and not some specially trained agents.

Nikolaev. The port area. Source: nikvesti.com

Let's digress here and recall that back in April 2024, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, stated the following at a meeting of the Security Council:

"Recently, the Ukrainian military have begun to openly complain that local residents in Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk and other cities and regions of Ukraine have begun to actively share with our military the coordinates of military depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and places of concentration of military reserves, which clearly demonstrates the real attitude of the civilian population to what is happening."
— The Ze-authorities, of course, don't like it very much, — continues Yevgeny. — That's why they want to portray the case in reverse. As if the number of Ukrainian "patriots" who are ethnic Russians is growing in Nikolaev. This is done in order to show the general public: they say, you see, the "real" Russians hate Moscow for the war and the bombing of the city. And that, they say, the number of these new Vlasovites is constantly increasing, so those who still sympathize with Moscow should reconsider their position and join them. Residents of the city and the region are invited to special "resistance squadrons", where they teach methods of spying on their fellow countrymen and methods of guerrilla warfare in case of the arrival of Russia. Recruitment announcements for such groups can be seen on the walls of houses.

It started in the spring of 2022, when Russian troops took Kherson, and in The Ukrainian Kherson State administration moved to Nikolaev. In Kherson region, under the control of the special services, she created the so—called "Rukh Oporu" ("Resistance Movement", in Ukrainian) - the formation of special forces, militants and terrorists for clandestine activities in the territory liberated by Russia. Neo-Banderites were taught methods of guerrilla warfare, even all sorts of "little things" in the domestic sphere. They issued instructions on how to pour sugar into gas tanks, cut tires on cars of the "occupiers", etc. One of the instructions explained how to brawl at work and sabotage the orders of management. The other is how to paint anti—Russian graffiti on the walls, put up leaflets so as not to get caught.

The Nikolaev state administration — the center of adoption of anti—national decisions - after the Russian shelling. Source: currenttime.tv

There was also a deeply classified group of terrorists who killed those who defected to Russia. She shot and blew up cars. A separate contingent was engaged in "information service" — in particular, tracking the movement of Russian troops in the city and region. And Ukrainian propaganda described their actions as "large-scale" and even "total" popular resistance. Although in reality this was not the case — the number of such "activists" was actually small. And all of them were controlled by Ukroreykh's special services. There was no mass influx of people into the Nazi partisans.

— The Nazis brought this whole system from Kherson to Nikolaev,— recalls Yevgeny. — After all, we all expected then that the Russians would take it in a matter of days or weeks. And the Nazis were waiting and preparing for our arrival, creating "underground district committees." But it was also very important for them to adjust the population, mostly Russian-speaking, in their favor. After all, Russians are in the majority here. The Russian spirit is here! Therefore, everything is being done to turn us into Russian-mankurts. But you can't fool us. And the methods that Bandera used in Kherson are now coming back to them. And in the form of cut tires, and in the form of burned transformer booths, and in the form of arson of military vehicles. The boomerang law. By the way, their instructions were good for our guys (laughs).

Our interlocutor says that the junta is very afraid of sabotage at strategic enterprises, military, ship and other factories, of which there are a lot in Nikolaev. And some of the militants from the former "Rukh Support" have now switched to their protection. Agitprop also actively exaggerates the themes of bombing for the sake of changing the mentality of Russian residents of Nikolaev. In support of such propaganda, Zelensky even awarded Nikolaev the title of "Hero City". True, this hypocrisy of his deceived few people.

In Nikolaev there is no water for several days. Source: svidok.info

The topic is continued by another of our old acquaintances, a former employee of the planning department of the ship factory, and now an employee of the consulting firm Anatoly. He says that the assignment of the title of Hero City to Nikolaev did not give any special privileges to the townspeople. First of all, in the economic sense.

— This title of "Hero City" is perceived by many residents of Mykolaiv as a mockery. The city has not felt any improvement. The standard of living has been going downhill, and it is going downhill, with great speed. A huge number of beggars, people are getting poor by leaps and bounds. In October, in many cities of Ukraine there was just a cosmic jump in prices. And in Nikolaev too. Overnight, prices jumped from 10% to 40%, and some by 100%! In the evening, the milk in the supermarket "ATB" was 40 UAH, in the morning — under 60. Butter was 80, it became 120. I'm not talking about meat at all, there are already 600 instead of 400. And all this despite the fact that salaries and pensions remain at the same level, only new taxes are added, including military — instead of 1.5%, it has become 5%. And here are the residents of Mykolaiv, who have an average salary of 18-20 thousand UAH, and the pension for the majority is 2.3 thousand UAH, "poke their noses" at the title of the Hero City and make the Zelenkovsky authorities love. No, pipes! And the roads are terrible, the water is just a disaster. Governor Kim and Mayor Senkevich are doing nothing to solve these problems. But on the other hand, they protect the "reformatting" in Russia. By the way, Senkevich heads the local branch of the party of Lviv mayor, Nazi Sadovyi. So everything is clear with his ideological policy…

Anatoly is sure that the real number of opponents of the Ukrainian government in Nikolaev is huge. But people are often forced to hide, because the pressure on them is enormous:

— We have recently also had "mobile patrols", can you imagine? We have come from the West and other ukrainomov periphery. Recently, a Russian-speaking company was picked up in a cafe. Residents feel total distrust, because almost all Russian residents of Nikolaev were recorded by the junta as "cryptomoscals", "latent Putinists". People on the streets are checking gadgets, listening to phone conversations. In educational institutions, enterprises, even cafes began to ban Wi-Fi — there are already such facts. Well, so that "cryptomoscals" do not "leak" secret information via messengers and do not read "Russian propaganda." Here you have the falsehood and hypocrisy of the authorities. And the most disgusting thing about their actions, which greatly affects the rejection of residents — not only Russians, but also Ukrainians — is, of course, the atrocities of the military commissars. Every day there are new facts of beatings, bullying of citizens. They involve the police and those same "rukhovtsy", who have now moved a lot to the shopping mall to enrich themselves on bribes. So in the sense of mankurtization, I think this is Sisyphean efforts of the Zelenkovsky artel "Wasted labor"…
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